Recently the Samsung Galaxy M31 launched in India as the successor to the Galaxy M30/M30s of last year. Now, Samsung is all set to upgrade the Galaxy M20 of last year with the Samsung Galaxy M21, the specifications of which were shared by Ishan Agarwal with 91Mobiles. It looks like this phone is just the Galaxy M30s but with a different name.
We don’t know if there would be any change in the design of the M21 compared to the M30s, but when it comes to the specs, it is now confirmed that there is Exynos 9611 SOC, a massive 6,000mAh battery, and triple rear cameras with a primary 48 Megapixel sensor. Android 10 runs out of the box with OneUI 2.0 on top.
The Samsung Galaxy M20 launched last year with a 6.3-inch Full-HD+ screen, Exynos 7904 SOC, a 5,000mAh battery, and dual rear cameras with a primary 13MP unit paired with a 5MP ultra-wide-angle camera. Well, now that we know the Galaxy M21 has the same specs as M30s, it would be a very good upgrade to the Galaxy M20.
The Samsung Galaxy M31 launched in India at a starting price of Rs 14,999, so the price of Samsung Galaxy M21 is definitely going to remain well under Rs 15,000 in India. There is no information on the launch date yet so stay tuned!