More than a week ago, Redmi announced that it will launch the K40 Series in February and the high-end model would be equipped with the Snapdragon 888 SOC. The company even revealed the starting price of the Snapdragon 888-powered device which is going to be 1,999 Yuan in China. Well today, Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 870 SOC and Digital Chat Station revealed on Weibo that the Redmi K40, not the Pro, is powered by this latest chipset from Qualcomm.
It is interesting because so far, we have seen that the vanilla variant always comes with a mid-range Qualcomm SOC. Redmi K20 had Snapdragon 730 and the Redmi K30 5G had the Snapdragon 765G.
After this, we are curious to know how Redmi is going to price the K40 because since the Redmi K40 Pro will start at 2,999 Yuan, the starting price of K40 could be between 1,999-2,499 Yuan or between $310-385. So far, there are very few details of the K40 & K40 Pro but we do know that the phones have centered hole-punch panels and the one on K40 Pro is touted by the brand as one of the most expensive flat AMOLED panels in the industry.