Last month, the Realme X7 Series launched in the Chinese market featuring the Dimensity chipsets. It looks like Realme is preparing to bring these phones to the Indian market as the CEO of Realme, Madhav Sheth, asked the fans on his Twitter account whether they want Realme to launch the X7 & X7 Pro in the Indian market.
He also asked in another tweet the opinions of fans regarding Dimensity SOCs which suggests Realme won’t make any alteration to the SOCs powering the X7 Series. MediaTek has already revealed its plans to make its Dimensity SOCs available for smartphones outside the Chinese market. So, Realme could be the first smartphone maker to launch phones with Dimensity chipsets outside of China.
As we know already, both the phones offer a similar design that includes a Quad camera setup on the rear & a hole-punch design on the front. There is no 3.5mm headphone jack on either of the two phones.
Realme X7 has a 6.4-inch AMOLED panel with Full-HD+ resolution & 60Hz refresh rate (180Hz touch-sampling rate) whereas the X7 Pro offers a 6.55-inch Samsung’s Flexible AMOLED panel with 120Hz refresh rate & 1,200 nits of peak brightness. There is Gorilla Glass protection for displays on both the phones. There is a 32 Megapixel selfie camera in that hole-punch cutout & it is the same for both the devices.
The Quad camera setup on the rear is the same on both phones except for the primary sensor. While the X7 comes with a 64 Megapixel Samsung sensor, the X7 Pro offers the Sony IMX682 sensor. Both phones have an 8 Megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera, a 2 Megapixel macro & a 2MP B&W sensor. While the X7 Pro can shoot 4K 60fps videos via the primary camera, it is limited to 4K 30fps in case of the X7.
The SOCs are different on both phones. Realme X7 has the MediaTek Dimensity 800U 5G SOC with Mali-G67 GPU whereas the X7 Pro has the MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ chipset with 9-core Mali-G77 GPU. It is worth mentioning that Dimensity 1000+ is currently the most powerful SOC that MediaTek offers.
Finally, while X7 has a 4,300mAh battery, X7 Pro has a 4,500mAh battery. Both phone feature 65W SuperDart Charging & Realme UI runs out of the box.
Well, we don’t know when Realme is going to launch these phones in India & at what price. In China, X7 launched at a starting price of 1,799 Yuan or Rs 19,600 whereas the X7 Pro at a starting price of 2,499 Yuan or Rs 27,000.