Realme recently launched the Realme 3 Pro in India & soon, the phone is launching in China as the company announced that it would expand to China as well. Two Realme phones were spotted on TENAA recently with model numbers RMX1851 and RMX1901. According to a user on Weibo (who’s also a YouTuber), the former, i.e., the RMX1851, is the Realme 3 Pro which is launching in China soon but the latter is a high-end flagship from the brand.
According to TENNA, the phone has a big 6.5-inch display & a 3,680mAh battery underneath. As per the user who shared these details on TENAA, we can expect it to launch as Realme Pro & it will be a high-end phone featuring the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor & a 48 Megapixel primary rear camera. As the images above reveal, there is a dual camera setup on the rear and no fingerprint scanner on the back. So, the phone most probably has one under the display.
The user also claims that Realme Pro is coming with a pop-up selfie camera & a mind-blowing 50W Fast Charging. The price in China is rumored to be somewhere around 2,999 Yuan or $445. So, it looks like Realme is all set to launch a competitor for the upcoming Redmi flagship that has been confirmed by the company already.
What do you think of a high-end flagship from Realme? Do you want it to launch in other markets outside China? Do let us know via the comments section below.