Moto G82 was launched in India in June last year, featuring a 120Hz pOLED display, a Snapdragon 695 chipset, and a 50MP camera with OIS. The phone was launched at a starting price of ₹21,499, which made it a great value-for-money smartphone at the time of launch. The brand is now preparing to launch its successor, the Moto G84. The launch is scheduled for September 1 in the Indian market, and Flipkart has already revealed the key details of the device.
The design is one of the highlights of this phone. The phone has three color options – Marshmallow Blue, Midnight Blue & Viva Magenta. The Viva Magenta option has the Pantone branding on the back since it is the PANTONE Color of the Year 2023. The Marshmallow Blue & Viva Magenta color options also have a premium vegan leather finish on the rear. The camera module design is the same as some recently launched Motorola devices, and the camera count is also lower than Moto G82 (two vs. three).
On the front, the Moto G84 has a flat display with minimal bezels and a hole punch cutout in the center. The USB Type-C port, primary speaker grill, and the 3.5mm headphone jack are on the bottom. There is a stereo speaker setup with Dolby Atmos & Moto Spatial Sound support. There is IP54 rating for protection against splashes of water.
The specifications of the Moto G84 are nothing special because Motorola kept a lot of features the same as the Moto G82. For example, the phone has the same chipset – Snapdragon 695 5G. But the RAM is upgraded to up to 12GB and the storage to up to 256GB. The phone supports 14 5G bands, one more than the Moto G82.
The display is a 6.55-inch 10-bit pOLED with up to 120Hz refresh rate and 1300 nit peak brightness. The Moto G82 had a 6.6-inch 120Hz 10-bit pOLED panel with a lower peak brightness than the Moto G84’s panel.
The primary camera on the rear has a 50MP sensor with OIS and 1.0µm pixels (2.0µm after binning). The second camera is for ultrawide photos and has an 8MP sensor. While the megapixel count remains unchanged, the camera sensor is upgraded from the Moto G82. The G82 had a 50MP sensor with an individual pixel size of 0.64µm.
The battery is 5,000mAh, and the phone supports 30W TurboPower charging, slightly slower than the 33W charging of Moto G82.
Finally, Android 13 runs out of the box with Motorola’s MyUX skin. The phone will get one Android OS update and three years of security updates.
The Moto G84 is expected to be priced around ₹22-24K and at this price, making it quite a confusing phone by the brand. That’s because, at this price, phones offer better performance, faster charging, curved displays, 3 or 4 years of Android updates, and probably better cameras. Let’s see at what price Motorola launches this phone on September 1.