[SOLVED] Unable To Connect To NVidia Error – Full Guide!

Well, most of the users that use NVidia GeForce Experience have once experienced the error that says ‘Unable To Connect To NVidia Try Again Later.’ And believe me, this is annoying to get this error again and again, whenever we open GeForce Experience. One of the users explained this error on the official forum –

So whenever I start GeForce experience I get an unable to connect to NVidia error but then the program window will pop up anyways, likewise, I am unable to download any new updates to drivers with a similar error. Any progress on this issue?

Unable to Connect to NVidia Error
Unable to Connect to NVidia Error

So, first, we need to understand why this error occurs. In simple words, the Network Service of NVidia freezes in the ‘Starting’ status due to which the ‘Unable To Connect To NVidia’ Error Occurs. How we came to know this? Well, if you are facing this error, just press ‘Windows + R’ key and a pop-up will appear where you need to write ‘services.msc.’ Here, you will see that the NVidia Network Service is stuck in the ‘Starting’ Status. Now, since we are aware of how the error occurs, let’s talk about the steps to fix this error.



1. DELETE NSManagedTasks.xml

Delete NSManagedtasks.xml
Delete NSManagedtasks.xml

So, the first step that you should take right after you get this particular error is to delete a file named “NSManagedTasks.xml.” This fix has worked for the users every time, and we suggest you try this first. So, here is what to do –

  • Head over to C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NetService\. Now, keep in mind that this folder is not in the ‘Program Files (x86)’. You will find it in the ‘Program Data’ folder. Bonus Tip – The easiest way to get to Program Data folder is: Start > Run > %programdata%
  • When you are in the ‘Net Service’ Folder, you need to either Rename or Delete the ‘NSManagedTasks.xml.’ file. The chances are that you won’t see this file in the folder at the moment you open it. So, enable the ‘Show Hidden Files’ from the ‘View’ option in the main menu, and you will see this file. Delete this file.
  • Next, head over to the Task Manager. There are many ways to go to task manager. Either you can press “CTRL + Shift + ESC” keys together or right clock on Start Button and select ‘Task Manager.’
  • When you are in the task manager, Found ‘NVNetworkService.exe’ ( in the ‘Processes’ Tab) and end it by right clicking on it and select ‘End.’
  • Now, you need to start the NVidia Network Service again by going to Services. For this, again press ‘Windows + R’ and then write ‘Services.msc.’ There, find the NVidia Network Service and right-click on it. Here, just select ‘Start’ Option.
  • If you get the GeForce Experience window, exit it and start it again. Hopefully, the ‘Unable To Connect To NVidia’ Error will be fixed, and you can now update it without any error.


automatic driver updates
Automatic Driver Updates

There are very fewer chances that the first method won’t work but somehow if it didn’t work, no need to worry. Just try this second method to fix ‘Unable to Connect To NVidia’ Error –

  • Head to your desired browser and go to ‘www.geforce.com/drivers.’ Here, you will see that there is an option named ‘Automatic Driver Updates.’
  • Click on the ‘Download’ button next to the name and then let is download. This will let you automatically Update the Drivers that are needed to make sure that there is no error while using NVidia Geforce Experience.
  • So, that’s all about the second method. In case this also fails to work, there is still one more method.



So, this is the last method to fix the ‘Unable To Connect To NVidia’ Error. This is the most advanced method too, that will require changing the Hosts IP address. So, here is what to do –

  • Head to ‘C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc‘. Here, open the Hosts file via Notepad. You can do this by Right Clicking on file and select ‘Open With.’ Here, select ‘Notepad.’
  • Now, it is advised that you should make a backup copy of everything written in that file so that if there is any error due to the editing of Hosts file, you can revert it back.
  • Here, either change the ‘‘ to ‘‘ or Remove the ‘x.x.x.x’ Localhost. In more simple steps –
  1. if localhost = > change that to localhost =
  2. And If you cannot make the change directly, copy the file to your desktop and change it and copy & replace it
  • Now, save the file, go back and try to open the NVidia Geforce Experience again. Most probably, it is going to work now, and there won’t be any error.


Well, these were some steps via which you can fix one of the most annoying errors in NVidia, i.e., ‘Unable To Connect To NVidia Try Again Later‘. If these steps didn’t work, you could try contacting the experts via the ‘NVidia Forum, ‘ and they will surely help you. Well, if these steps worked, do let us know via the comments section. Below, we are attaching a video tutorial that will show you how to Fix this error. Cheers!