In June this year, Vivo launched the X50 series in the Chinese market & it included not two, but three smartphones named the X50, X50 Pro & the X50 Pro+. Among these three, the X50 & X50 Pro launched as mid-range phones with Snapdragon 765G whereas the X50 Pro+ was a flagship powered by the Snapdragon 865 SOC. The main highlight of the X50 Pro+ was the 50 Megapixel Samsung GN1 sensor on the rear, making it the first phone to have this sensor. Also, while the X50 Pro+ lacked it, the X50 Pro had Gimbal Stabilization. Well now, Vivo is preparing to launch the X60 Series as the company officially announced the launch date on Weibo. We also got our first official look at the design of the Vivo X60 Series.
Vivo announced that the launch is happening on the 29th of December in China & as we can see in the image above, there are at least two phones under this series, though we are expecting to see three models just like the X50 series. Looking at the image, you can quickly notice that the phone in the middle is the vanilla X60 because it doesn’t have a periscope camera. But it does have the “ZEISS” branding that we see on the other two phones shown in the image. The design of the camera module is pretty similar to the X50 series as there is a similar arrangement that includes a big primary sensor paired with two smaller ones.
Looking at the image only, it cannot be said whether the X60 Pro+ will have the same design as the X60 Pro. But we can say that the Vivo X60 Pro has a periscope camera along with three other sensors. The phones also have the “ZEISS Vario-Tessar” text written on the camera module.
Apart from the design, the official announcement also confirmed that Exynos 1080 chipset is powering the X60 Series. Now, this doesn’t mean that all the phones have the Exynos 1080 so we are expecting X60 Pro & X60 Pro+ to have it. The Exynos 1080 was unveiled last month by Samsung as a 5nm flagship-grade SOC featuring the Cortex-A78 cores. It is a 5G chipset & supports both mmWave and sub-6GHz 5G.
Finally, one more information that we have about the Vivo X60 is that it is going to be the thinnest 5G smartphone when it launches. Digital Chat Station says that the thickness of the phone is 7.3xmm & it is thinner than the iPhone 12 mini.
Well, we don’t have the spec sheet yet, but we will update you as soon as we get it. Stay Tuned!