Last month, Qualcomm launched the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset, featuring a powerful Cortex-X4 core for the CPU and the Adreno 735 GPU. This SOC sits between the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 & 8 Gen 3 in terms of performance. Last month, we also got the first smartphone with the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SOC, the Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro. There are other brands that are going to launch smartphones with this SOC this year, and one of them is Redmi.
Redmi had already announced that it would launch a phone with the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SOC soon, and the brand has now announced that the phone is called the Redmi Turbo 3. It is interesting that this is a new smartphone series from the brand, but it starts with the number “3”.
The phone is launching in the Chinese market on April 10, and the company has shared the first look of the phone on Weibo.
Design-wise, the Redmi Turbo 3 comes in three colors – Black, Green & Gold. There is a dual camera setup on the rear, and the camera module design is pretty similar to the Redmi Note 12 Turbo of last year. The frame is flat, and the official images confirm a secondary speaker on the top, alongside the IR blaster.
While these renders do not show the front look, we know that the phone has a flat display on the front with slim bezels and a hole punch cutout in the center.
Redmi claims an AnTuTu benchmark score of over 1,750,000 points. This is impressive, considering the Redmi Turbo 3 is not a flagship phone, but rather a mid-ranger. Redmi has also revealed that the phone has up to 16GB RAM and 1TB storage, most likely LPDDR5X and UFS 4.0.
Some screenshots shared by Digital Chat Station on Weibo reveal the actual benchmark scores of the phone, and we can see that on the AnTuTu benchmark, the Redmi Turbo 3 scores around 1,650,000 points. On Geekbench, the single-core score is around 2000, while the multi-core score is over 5400.
As per the source, the Redmi Turbo 3 has a plastic frame.
The rest of the specifications are not yet known, but we expect a 1.5K display and at least a 5,000mAh battery. The phone is most likely launching as the Poco F6 outside the Chinese market.