In May, Redmi K20 & K20 Pro launched in China at super affordable prices & even today, the Redmi K20 Pro is the cheapest Snapdragon 855-powered phone in markets like India. Now, Redmi is all set to upgrade the K20 Pro with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus SOC, and the upgraded K20 Pro will be unveiled in China on September 19, i.e., on the same day when Huawei Mate 30 Series is launching.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus is an upgrade over the Snapdragon 855 & features 15% improved GPU performance. The Kryo 485 CPU is the same, but it’s clocked at 2.96GHz, i.e., higher than that in case of Snapdragon 855. Now, it is hard to say if there are any other upgrades except for the SOC. The 5G support is definitely not there for the upgraded K20 Pro since the Redmi K30 is in the works with 5G support.
The Redmi K20 Pro was launched in China at a starting price of 2,499 Yuan so expect the K20 Pro with Snapdragon 855 Plus to start under 3,000 Yuan.