The Realme 13 Pro series was officially unveiled in July with a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset, and the Realme 13 Pro+ featured a 3x periscope telephoto camera. The brand is preparing to launch the Realme 14 Pro series in January, and while we still have a couple of weeks left, the brand has now officially revealed the design of the series. The design is going to be one of the highlights of this series.
Realme says the series will feature a “Cold-Sensitive” color-changing back panel, the first in the world. We have seen color-changing backs on smartphones before where the color changes when exposed to light or heat, but this time, we are going to see a color-changing design that reacts to drops in temperature. Realme says this color shift happens when the temperature drops below 16 degrees celcius. Realme says due to this color changing back, each smartphone will have a different pattern than the other.
Another unique design element is in the camera module on the rear. There is a triple flash on the back, which the company calls “MagicGlow”. Like the last generation, the Realme 14 Pro+ will feature a periscope telephoto camera. This time, the Pro+ model is also getting a flagship-grade Quad-curved display with ultra-slim 1.6mm bezels. There is an IP69 rating for the Realme 14 Pro+.
Finally, the Realme 14 Pro series is launching with the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chipset.