In April last year, the Realme GT Neo 6 SE was launched in China with the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chipset. The phone was launched globally as the Realme GT 6T. The company has already launched the Realme Neo 7 in China, which is expected to launch as the Realme GT 7 in the global market. Now, the brand has announced that the Realme Neo 7 SE is launching soon in China. This phone should launch as the Realme GT 7T in the global market.
The official teaser reveals that the Realme Neo 7 SE is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 8400-ULTRA chipset. This is the same SOC that powers the Redmi Turbo 4, aka the Poco X7 Pro, for the global market. So, after Redmi, Realme is switching from Qualcomm to MediaTek.
Digital Chat Station has revealed that the Neo 7 SE features the same 7,000mAh battery as the Realme Neo 7.
There is no information yet on the design or the rest of the specifications. The Realme Neo 7 was launched in China for a starting price of ¥2099 (~$290), so it is safe to say the Realme Neo 7 SE is launching under ¥2000 (~$275).