Earlier this month, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SOC launched as the latest flagship chip by Qualcomm for smartphones. Xiaomi made an official announcement that day for being one of the first smartphone makers to launch a phone with this chipset. As we know already, the Xiaomi 12 series flagships will launch with this chipset, but there is still no official hint at the launch date. Anyways, among all the leaks and rumors, we now have the renders of the vanilla model, thanks to OnLeaks, who shared these renders with Zouton.com.
As the renders show us, the Xiaomi 12 looks like a mid-range phone by the company. There is a rectangular camera module on the back with a triple camera setup, along with the dual-LED flash module. Comparing this design to this year’s Mi 11, there isn’t any unique design element. This year’s Mi 11 had its camera module design as one of the design highlights, but even that’s not the case with the successor.
Anyways, there is the same curved display on the front, but this time the hole-punch cutout is in the center, not on the top left corner. The renders also suggest that the chin is relatively thin, so that’s also great.
There is a power button on the right side and the volume rockers, and on the bottom, the phone gets a Type-C port along with the primary speaker grill. There is a second speaker on the top.
Finally, we also got to know the dimensions of Xiaomi 12, and they are 152.7 x 70.0 x 8.6mm. The camera bump, when included, results in a maximum thickness of 11.5mm. The display size will be around 6.2-inches, which means this will be quite a compact phone from Xiaomi. For comparison, the Xiaomi 11 had a huge 6.81-inch panel, so that’s a massive change in the form factor.
There are reports of a 4,500mAh battery & 67W fast charging. Well, the full spec sheet is not yet out but don’t be surprised to see high-end specs once it is out since this is a flagship from Xiaomi.