Vivo is soon expected to launch the Vivo V17 & interestingly, the V17 Pro has already launched in September. The V17 Pro launched with a Quad rear camera setup & dual pop-up selfie cameras. Today, the live images of the V17 leaked via a Russian Tech Site & these images reveal the new Diamond-shaped camera layout that we’re going to see. We also got a look at the front of the phone.
So, while the V17 Pro has a Full-Screen design with no notch or holes, the Vivo V17 comes with a Waterdrop notch & a noticeable bottom chin. There is a single camera on the front.
On the rear, there is a Quad camera setup, but the design of the camera layout is pretty unique. There is a Diamond Shaped camera module that has four camera lenses. According to the source that shared these images, the phone has a primary 48 Megapixel camera, but there is no information yet regarding the other cameras. Other specifications that we know include 8GB RAM, 128GB ROM, & a 4,500mAh battery. For charging, there is a USB Type-C port.
While the pricing is unknown, the Vivo V17 will sit between the V17 Neo & V17 Pro.