In December last year, the Redmi K30 5G launched in China & now the company is preparing to launch the Redmi K30 Pro. We know already that the phone has Snapdragon 865 SOC, thanks to the Geekbench listing & other sources. Moreover, a source revealed earlier that the phone has a battery with a size of around 4,700mAh & 33W fast wired charging.
There were reports of the phone having a Full-Screen design with a pop-up selfie camera instead of a punch-hole design & today, Redmi officially confirmed the same!
Redmi has posted a teaser on its Weibo page that reveals the design of K30 Pro from the front. As we can see, there is no notch or a punch-hole in the display for the selfie camera. This confirms the existence of a pop-up selfie camera (or maybe cameras!). If you look at the image closely by zooming it, you can see the area on top where the pop-up mechanism is present.
The Redmi K30 Pro might be the only flagship to launch with a pop-up camera this year since almost every company is now going for a punch-hole design for its flagships.
The K30 Pro has a Quad camera setup on the rear with a primary 64 Megapixel IMX686 sensor. While the rest of the camera specs are unknown, there is definitely an ultra-wide-angle camera, a telephoto lens & a Macro lens.
Redmi K30 Pro will launch in March, but the launch date is not yet official.