A few days back, MediaTek launched the Dimensity 820 5G chipset, and Redmi revealed that it would launch a phone with this SOC on May 26th in China named Redmi 10X 5G. We already know that there is not one phone, but three in the Redmi 10X Series named 10X 4G, 10X 5G, and 10X Pro 5G. So, the 5G variants are the ones featuring the Dimensity 820 chipset.
Anyways, Redmi revealed on Weibo today that the 10X Series features a telephoto camera on the rear with 30X Zoom & OIS. It is worth mentioning that it is still unclear whether Redmi meant all the three phones or only the 5G variants.
Digital Chat Station, who is a very reliable tipster on Weibo, specifically mentioned the “Redmi 10X Pro” when he talked about the 30X Zoom + OIS in his most recent Weibo post, so there are chances that only the most expensive phone of Redmi 10X Series has a telephoto camera with OIS (like the Redmi K30 Pro Zoom Edition).
He also revealed that the phone has a 4,500mAh battery and 33W fast charging. We already know that the Redmi 10X 5G & 10X Pro 5G feature an AMOLED screen on the front & a notch on top. The fingerprint scanner, therefore, is placed under the display.
Well, let’s see at what price Redmi 10X Series is going to launch now that the Honor X10 is official at a starting price of 1,899 Yuan.