Realme C2 launched in India this year with features like MediaTek Helio P22 SOC, a 6.1-inch display with a notch & a 4,000mAh battery. It looks like Realme is all set to launch the successor soon as IMDA in Singapore certified the Realme C3. Along with the C3, Realme 5i was also certified, which is the successor to Realme 3i which launched this year as well.
While the C3 comes with the model number RMX1941, the Realme 5i bears the model number RMX2030. Now, this certification doesn’t reveal the specifications, but we can think of the features that we might get based on the predecessors. The Realme C2 launched with the Helio P22 SOC so the C3 might feature a better SOC from MediaTek of Qualcomm. If the company decided to go for a MediaTek SOC, it could be the Helio P60.
On the other hand, there are a lot of options to choose from if Qualcomm is considered, from the 4-series to the 6-series. Realme 3i launched with Helio P60 this year, so again, if Realme is planning to go with MediaTek SOC this time as well, there is the Helio P70, Helio P65 etc.