Last month Motorola launched its first flagship in the past few years, the Motorola Edge+. The phone comes with almost everything we want to see in a 2020’s flagship phone, from the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 5G SOC to a 90Hz OLED panel & a 108 Megapixel camera on the back. The phone is now all set to launch in the Indian market & the launch is happening on May 19th, which means just a few days are now left for the unveiling.
The only thing that is going to decide the success of this phone in India is the price. Motorola doesn’t have a good reputation in India when it comes to flagships. In India, Motorola is known as a brand that launches budget phones.
So, even if the Edge+ offers impressive specs on paper, the price would decide whether it would be a success or not. We saw the same in case of Xiaomi Mi 10 which launched with great specs, but people bashed Xiaomi for launching it at 49,999 which is a price at which hardly anyone would go for a Xiaomi device.
Anyways, the Motorola Edge+ comes with a 6.7-inch Full-HD+ OLED panel with 90Hz refresh rate. It is a Waterfall display, so there are extremely curved edges. Under the hood, the phone comes with Snapdragon 865 5G SOC paired with 12GB LPDDR5 RAM & 256GB storage.
The triple camera setup on the rear includes a primary 108 Megapixel camera with OIS, an 8 Megapixel secondary 3X Telephoto camera with OIS, and a third ultra-wide-angle 16 Megapixel camera. The selfie camera on the front is a 25 Megapixel unit.
There is a reason why this phone is thick. The Motorola Edge+ packs a huge 5,000mAh battery underneath & supports 18W fast wired charging + 15W Wireless Charging. There is also 5W Reverse Wireless charging support. There are stereo speakers & Android 10 runs out of the box.
The only thing that this device lacks is IP rating & that’s a huge con, at least in the US where it costs $1000.
Well, we don’t know exactly at what price Motorola Edge+ would launch in India, but above Rs 50,000 it would be a very tough sell.