In March last year, the Moto G22 was launched in the global market, with the main USP being the design. The phone launched at €169.99 and had the MediaTek Helio G37 chipset, a Quad camera setup, a 90Hz LCD & a 5,000mAH battery. The successor is launching soon & today, the official press renders of the Moto G23 were shared by DealNTech. These press renders reveal the design & three color options.
The Moto G23 comes in at least three colors – Black, White & Blue. The camera setup on the rear looks identical to some recently launched Redmi & Realme devices. Compared to the Moto G22, there is now a triple camera setup on the back instead of a quad camera array. We can also notice the “50MP” text on the camera module, indicating a 50MP sensor for the primary camera. There is a hole punch design on the front, and the display has a thick bottom bezel.
The sides of the Moto G23 are flat, and there is a fingerprint scanner on the right side which doubles as the power button. The USB Type-C port is present on the bottom.
According to Appuals, the Moto G23 is launching in a single storage option – 4GB + 128 GB. In Europe, the price will be €199.
The specifications are not yet confirmed, but as per some reports, the phone may feature a MediaTek Helio G85 chip, a significant upgrade over the Helio G37 inside the Moto G22.