Earlier this month, Motorola launched the Moto E6 Plus at the IFA Berlin with the Helio P22 SOC, a 3,000mAh battery & more. In India, Motorola has launched this phone as the Moto E6s & it comes at a price of Rs 7,999. At this price, it is not a bad phone at all considering things like stock Android, an octa-core SOC, 4GB RAM & more.
The E6s has a removable back panel & not just that you can also remove the battery which is something we don’t see on phones these days, not even on budget phones. There is a separate slot for memory expansion. The whole body is made out of plastic & the back panel has a gloss finish. The dual cameras & fingerprint scanner are placed on the rear.
On the front, there is a 6.1-inch Max Vision HD+ IPS panel with 19.5:9 aspect ratio. The SOC powering the E6s is 2.0GHz octa-core Helio P22, which is a 12nm SOC & popular among phones at this price. There is 4GB RAM & 64GB ROM which is hard to find on phones priced under Rs 10,000 since most phones come with 3GB RAM & 32GB ROM at this price.
There is a dual-camera setup on the back that includes a primary 13MP f/2.0 shooter & a secondary 2MP depth sensor. On the front, there is an 8MP camera.
Under the hood, the Moto E6s has a 3,000mAh battery & you get a 10W charger in the box which is good. There is a micro-USB port. Android 9 Pie runs out of the box & it is mostly pure stock Android with a couple of Motorola apps.
The Moto E6s comes in two colours, namely Rich Cranberry & Polished Graphite. It is priced at Rs 7,999, which translates to around $111. You can buy it via Flipkart from September 23.