Lava launched a new budget phone in the Indian market today, the Lava Blaze Pro 5G. As the name suggests, this is a 5G phone from the brand. The naming is quite confusing since the Lava Blaze 2 Pro was launched earlier this month, but instead of launching the Blaze 2 Pro 5G, the company has launched the Blaze Pro 5G. Anyways, the Blaze Pro 5G has launched with an introductory price of ₹12,499, and the specifications are good for the price.
Design-wise, the phone has a hole punch design on the front, a flat frame, a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, and a dual camera setup on the rear.
The phone is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6020 chipset, a rebranded Dimensity 700. There is 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. The battery is 5,000mAh, and the phone supports 33W fast charging. The primary rear camera has a 50MP sensor, and the selfie camera has an 8MP sensor. The display is a 6.78-inch Full-HD+ IPS LCD with 120Hz refresh rate.
Finally, the phone runs on Android 13 with no bloatware or ads.
The color options are Radiant Pearl & Starry Night.
The sale starts on October 3rd, and the phone will be available on Amazon, Lava’s website, and the retail outlets near you.