The iQOO 3 is set to launch on February 25th in India as well as the Chinese market & it is a gaming-centric device featuring the Snapdragon 865 5G SOC. The company has already revealed some specifications of the phone like the Snapdragon 865 SOC, UFS 3.1 storage and LPDDR5 RAM. Now, the company revealed the battery size & the charging speed of the device in a new teaser video.
Another teaser gives us a look at the rear of the phone & we can see that there is a Quad camera setup placed in a rectangular housing on the top left. Moreover, the ’48 MegaPixel’ text is clearly visible, which means there is a 48MP sensor, most likely the IMX586.
Anyways, talking about the battery size & the charging speed, the iQOO 3 comes with a 4,440mAh battery & features crazy 55W Fast Charging. This means when the phone launches on February 25th in India, it would be the fastest charging device, beating the Realme X2 Pro and its 50W charging. It is also most likely that the 55W adapter will be provided in the box.
In India, the iQOO 3 will be Flipkart Exclusive. Let’s see at what price the company launches it in the Indian market.