At the Mobile World Congress in 2019, Huawei showcased its foldable phone named the Mate X, which had an outward folding display. Later that year, the phone launched in China for around 16,999 Yuan or $2,400. Then last year, we got the Huawei Mate Xs, which had the Kirin 990 5G SOC. Well, now, Huawei is all set to launch its 3rd foldable phone, and as we got to know last year, this one is coming with a display that folds on the inside instead of on the outside. It will most likely launch as the Huawei Mate X2, and today, Digital Chat Station shared some major specifications of it on Weibo.
As per Digital Chat Station, the Huawei Mate X2 sports an 8.01-inch foldable OLED (2480×2200 pixels) that folds inwards, and there is a secondary 6.45-inch panel on the outside with a resolution of 2700×1160 pixels. Under the hood, the phone is powered by the Kirin 9000 SOC, which is the 5nm flagship chipset from Huawei featuring an integrated 5G Modem. There is a 16 Megapixel camera for selfies, and the phone packs Quad cameras on the rear. This Quad camera setup includes a primary 50 Megapixel shooter, which is paired with a 16 Megapixel, a 12 Megapixel, and 8 Megapixel cameras. There is support for 10X Optical Zoom, so one of these is a periscope camera.
There is a 4400mAh battery inside, which can be charged quickly, thanks to the 66W Fast charging support. Speaking of the Operating System. the Huawei Mate X2 runs on Android 10 out of the box.
So these are the leaked specifications of the phone that were shared by Digital Chat Station, and while Huawei hasn’t revealed when is it launching this phone, the Huawei Mate X launched in February, so maybe we will get the Mate X2 next month.